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Can the Roadmaster Tow Dolly # RM-200330-80 be Replaced with the Provider # TTWA14RWS  


Can I use TTWA14RWS as a replacement for RM-200330-80.


Expert Reply:

Since the Provider ST205/75R14 Radial Trailer Tire # TTWA14RWS is the exact same size as the ST205/75R14 Spare Tire and Wheel for Roadmaster Tow Dolly # RM-200330-80 and they have the same 5 on 4-1/2" bolt pattern it is a great replacement.

This tire and wheel combination actually has a higher weight capacity of 1,760 lbs and has a speed rating of 81 mph. Keep in mind that you will be limited by your least rated component so if anything else on your setup (if you are not using this for a Roadmaster tow dolly) has different ratings you need to go by that if it is lower.

expert reply by:
Jon G

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