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Sway Control Recommendation for a Straight Tongue Trailer  


I would like to use the Reese friction control sway kit in my trailer which came with a straight tongue instead of A-frame. Is there an adapter that I can get to make the sway control kit work on my trailer? would something like RP3280 work for my purpose?


Expert Reply:

The Reese Pole-Tongue Adapter for Weight Distribution Systems, item # RP3280, is not designed for use with a friction sway control bar like the Reese friction sway control kit, # 83660. The pole tongue adapter is designed for use with a weight distribution system with chain hangers.

I would recommend evaluating the tongue weight of your trailer. Improper trailer loading can cause a light tongue weight condition which can be the cause of trailer sway. Proper trailer loading is the best defense against trailer sway. I have provided some information on weight distribution and sway control for you to review, see link.

If your tongue weight is inline with the trailers gross weight and you are still experiencing sway, then a weight distribution system with sway control is advised. A friction sway control bar alone most likely will not solve the issue. I would recommend going with a system with built in sway control for your pole tongue trailer, like the Reese SC Weight Distribution w Sway Control systems, see link. When selecting a sway control system the tongue weight and gross weight of your trailer, properly loaded and ready to travel, are needed to select the correct sized system.

For your Pole tongue trailer you will also need the Reese Pole-Tongue Adapter for Weight Distribution Systems, item # RP58393.

expert reply by:
Bob G

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