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Fifth Wheel 7-Way Wiring Kit Recommendation for 2000 Ford F-350  


I have a 2000 F350 super duty and need wire harness/ adapter to add a 7 pin rv type recepticle in the truck bed for a slide in camper and will need about 10 feet. The truck has a 7 pin at the bumper and do not know if it is factory but there is a grey square plug under the truck that supplys the existing 7 pin Thanks for any help


Helpful Expert Reply:

We have the Draw Tite 5th wheel 7-way kit part # 20031 which is confirmed as a fit for your 2000 Ford F-350. It has the square connector you mentioned to connect into the vehicle wiring. The harness length is 7 feet though which is normally enough to get the connector up into the bed of the truck.

For a similar setup that uses a 10 foot harness we have the part # A10-7010 but this ties into the wiring by wiring into the round connector behind the 7-way at the vehicle bumper.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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