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Recommended Brake Controller and Wiring for 2017 Ford Expedition with 4-Way  


Vehicle: 2017 Ford Expedition 4x4 XLT Problem: Tow package with 4 pole and no trailer brake controller. I need a TBC, 7 pole, and anything else that I may need to make it all work. I am looking to make a single purchase to ensure I can tow a trailer properly and all parts fit to each other during one install. - Trailer Brake Controller that will fit in the slot the factory would have use to put one but did not for some reason. - TBC adapter if required. - 4 to 7 pole adapter - Would like a 4 to 7 pole adapter to use both such as Item # C57674. Could eTrailer assist in this matter and help provide some options that would best fit with out breaking the bank? Thank you.


Expert Reply:

We have everything you need to install a fully functional 7-Way connector and a trailer brake controller on your 2017 Ford Expedition.

Since your Expedition is already equipped with a 4-Way connector, you will just need the Universal Wiring Kit # ETBC7. This kit includes everything needed to install a 7-Way connector from your existing 4-Way, along with the needed wiring and circuit breakers for installing a brake controller. The connector that is included features both a 7-Way and 4-Way like what you are wanting.

I have attached a great article that details the installation steps for this kit that you might find helpful.

Then, for the brake controller, I highly recommend the Tekonsha Prodigy P2 # 90885. This is an excellent, proportional controller that will activate the trailer brakes at the same time and with the same intensity that you apply to them in your Expedition. I am not sure of the dimensions on the factory brake controller slot that you referenced, but this unit measures 3-1/8 inches wide, 5-1/8 inches long, and 2 inches tall. You can compare that to the opening in your vehicle to see if this will fit. Otherwise, a pocket mount is included that you can install under the dash.

To install the controller, you can use the Plug-In Adapter # 22292. One end of the adapter will plug into the brake controller itself, while the other end will connect to the built-in port beneath the vehicle's dash.

I have attached a couple short video demonstrations, along with the installation instructions for the products mentioned that you can check out.

expert reply by:
Chris R

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