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Difference Between Equal-I-Zer Weight Distribution Systems EQ37121ET and EQ37100ET  


What is the difference between Equal-i-zer 90-00-1201 and 90-00-1000 weight distribution hitch?


Expert Reply:

There's a couple key differences between the Equal-I-Zer Weight Distribution systems # EQ37121ET and # EQ37100ET that you referenced.

The biggest being that the tongue weight range is different. The part # EQ37100ET has a range of 600-1,000 lbs and includes a shank whereas the part # EQ37121ET has a range of 800 lbs - 1,200 lbs and does not include a shank.

The best way to pick out a weight distribution system is to base it off of the loaded tongue weight of the setup when it is loaded and ready to tow. This figure also includes the weight of any cargo behind the rear axle of the tow vehicle. I attached a help article on determining tongue weight for you to check out as well. You will want the loaded tongue weight of your setup to fall right in the middle of the tongue weight range of the system you use.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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