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Differences Between the Timbren and SumoSprings for a 2012 Toyota Tundra  


Hello, how do you know what size timbrens or sumo springs to use? 2012 crewmax tundra with tongue weight around 700lbs.


Expert Reply:

For your 2012 Toyota Tundra CrewMax, you will want to use part # TTORTUN4 for the Timbren Rear Suspension Enhancement System or part # SSR-610-47 for the SumoSprings Solo Custom Helper Springs. Both of these options will provide you with additional support that will help to reduce rear end sag while towing. They will also both work to reduce body roll, improve stability, and increase the life of your existing suspension components.

The Timbren springs have a weight capacity of 6,000 lbs whereas the SumoSprings have a weight capacity of 1,500 lbs. This means that the Timbren springs will provide more support but they will also have a much stiffer ride which usually translates to bumpy and uncomfortable. Because you only have around 700 lbs of tongue weight on the vehicle's rear suspension, I recommend using the SumoSprings as they will provide you with the perfect level of comfort and support.

I have attached a review video of the SumoSpring option for you as well.

expert reply by:
Conner L

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