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Weight Distribution System For Small 2,000 Pound Trailer  


I have a small 2,000 pound trailer with a 450 pound TW. is a curt 17062 weight distribution system too large? I may go to another trailer later, but not over 5,000 pounds.


Expert Reply:

Just to be accurate, when referring to tongue weight, it is the tongue weight of your loaded trailer plus the weight of the cargo that sits behind the rear axle of your vehicle. When measuring trailer TW the best way is to use a tongue weight scale # e99044, TW is typically about 10 to 15 percent of the Gross Towing Weight.

I want to make sure that your 2,000lb trailer is fully loaded and the 450lb TW is accurate to ensure a safe tow and the correct recommendations are being made.

If you have a 450lb TW rating then the # C17062 will be too large of a set up. This unit is rated for tongue weights between 800 lbs and 1,000 lbs. Having too heavy of a setup may lead to an unstable towing situation.

Since you have a TW rating of 450lbs and you may upgrade to a 5000lb trailer, the Strait-Line Weight Distribution System w Sway Control # RP66083 is the best option. It has a tongue weight rating between 400 lbs - 800 lbs. It will work with your current and future trailers.

Keep in mind that weight distribution systems are recommended if your trailer weight is more than 50 percent of your vehicle's weight.

expert reply by:
Timothy G

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