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Heavy Duty Tow Hitch Recommendation for a 2008 Ford F-350  


1. From what I can tell, if I use the Blue Ox weight-distribution system to tow the trailer, I will not need the Flash E Series ball mount. Is this true? 2. Can the shank for the Blue Ox system be inverted in the receiver, so that it will allow an 8" drop, as well as an 8" rise? 3. Can you recommend a ball that I may purchase to work with the Blue Ox system and my 2001 30SKS trailer?


Helpful Expert Reply:

Yes, the Curt Trailer Hitch Receiver part # C15810 which is a fit for your 2008 Ford F-350 will allow you to tow your 2000 Holiday Rambler Aluma Lite 30SKS without the use of a weight distribution system assuming the figures you provided on the trailer are correct. This hitch has a 20,000 lbs gross trailer weight (GTW) and 2,700 lb tongue weight (TW) rating with a 2-1/2" receiver tube opening.

According to the instructions for this hitch, the professional installation time is 30 minutes so your mechanic should have you in and out of the door without even charging you a full hour of labor. There is no special tools or procedures that are needed to install this hitch on your F-350.

In order to determine what ball mount you need, you are going to want to measure from the ground to the top of the inside edge on your trailer hitch receiver and compare that to the distance from the ground to the bottom of the coupler on your trailer while level. The difference between these two measurements will give you the correct amount of rise/drop you will need to look for in a ball mount. I have attached a list of all our 2-1/2" ball mounts for you but as long as rise/drop does not exceed 6" then I recommend the Flash E Series HD Adjustable 2-Ball Mount part # FA42-00-2625.

In order to determine what weight distribution system you need you will need to calculate your total tongue weight (TTW) which is composed of your trailer's loaded ready to tow tongue weight (TW) and any cargo stored behind the rear axle of the tow vehicle. As long as this figure does not exceed 2,000 lbs I recommend the Blue Ox SwayPro Weight Distribution System part # BXW2003.

I have attached a review video for you as well.

expert reply by:
Conner L
Paul profile picture



1. From what I can tell, if I use the Blue Ox weight-distribution system to tow the trailer, I will not need the Flash E Series ball mount. Is this true? 2. Can the shank for the Blue Ox system be inverted in the receiver, so that it will allow an 8" drop, as well as an 8" rise? 3. Can you recommend a ball that I may purchase to work with the Blue Ox system and my 2001 30SKS trailer?

ConnerL profile picture

Conner L.


You are correct, the Flash E Series HD Adjustable 2-Ball Mount part # FA42-00-2625 will not be needed when using the Blue Ox SwayPro Weight Distribution System part # BXW2003. The shank that is included with the Blue Ox SwayPro can be inverted but the maximum rise of 8" and maximum drop of 2" will still remain the same. In order to get a drop greater than 2" you will need a separate shank for which I recommend part # BXW4002 as it will provide a 4-1/2" drop. For a 2-5/16" hitch ball I recommend part # 63840.

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