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Replacement Trailer Side Wiring Harness for a 1996 Yacht Club PWC Trailer  


Im looking for a complete wire harness for a 1996 yacht club pec trailer. Can you provide me with the correct part #.


Expert Reply:

Trailer side wiring harnesses are not specific to the trailer so you can use any one that has the proper connector and length for your 1996 Yacht Club PWC trailer.

I have included a link to the trailer side harnesses for you. If your trailer has a 4-Way flat connector a popular option is wishbone harness # A35W42B. A wishbone harness has 2 wires connected to the running light pin so you won't have to run jumper wires from one side of the trailer to the other for running lights.

If your trailer has surge brakes with an electric reverse lockout then you will need a 5-Way flat, # A40W5B. There are also 6-Way and 7-Way options which you will see in that provided link.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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