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Red and Amber Trailer Clearance Lights with Clear Lenses  


I’ve been scouring the internet looking for clear lenses to replace both the Amber and Red lenses on my trailer MC32AB and MC32RB. I’m beginning to believe they are simply not manufactured. Any help is appreciated.


Expert Reply:

You are correct, clear lenses are not made for lights # MC32AB or # MC32RB. The bulbs for both of these lights produce white light so if clear lenses were on them the light would just be white. Unless you found colored bulbs that would fit.

We do have red and amber marker/clearance lights with clear lenses though. For example we have # MCL63CAB which is an amber LED light with a clear lens. Other amber options include # MCL13CA2B, # MCL51CAK, # MCL65CAB, # AL91CAB, # MCL17CAB, # 00212336P, # MCL48CAB, # MCL19CAB, # DG52440VP, # MCL55ACB, # 00212376B, and # DG52503VP.

For Red we have the following: # MCL11CRKB, # MCL63CRB, # MCL65CRB, # MCL-50CRK, # MCL13CR2B, # MCL99RC1B, # MCL17CRB, # MCL55RCB, # MCL19CRB, # 00212707P, # DG52441VP, # 00212378B, # DG52504VP, and # 00212338P.

I linked as many of the parts and videos that I could but I have a limited number of things I can link so some of the part numbers in the answer are not linked because of that. Just an FYI.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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