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Replacing a 4-Way Connector with 7 Wires on a 2007 Tracker Trailstar Boat Trailer  


I have a 2007 tracker trailstar boat trailer and am looking to replace the 4 flat on it bc it has fallen out and ground down. However, the 4 flat on it currently has 7 wires going into it. 2 white in +1 white out bolted to the trailer tongue left turn, right turn and 2 tail light wires. I would like to just find a 4 flat with a pigtail that I can wire to it but have not had any success. Any suggestion?


Expert Reply:

Since this is on a boat trailer the 2 additional white ground wires are ground for the lights. This is fairly common on aluminum frames and boat trailers in general because aluminum is a poor metal for grounds and lights grounded near the tail lights will get dunked in water. The 2 brown wires are both running light wires which allows you to run one wire per side instead of having to run a jumper wire from one side of the trailer to the other.

You can still use a 4-Way with wiring such as # HM48110 you would just need to splice the 2 white wires to the white wire on the connector and then ground the harnesses white wire just like the original connector was grounded. And the 2 running light wires would just splice to the single brown wire. Yellow to yellow, green to green and you're done.

expert reply by:
Michael H
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