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Replacement for Atwood Surge Brake Actuator  


Atwood MPD 85778 - what replacement hitch should I purchase to replace the above hitch. Thank you


Expert Reply:

The Atwood MPD 85778 is not actually a model number for their actuator, it is a literature number - basically a manual number so I wouldn't be able to tell you what a direct replacement would be.

You will need to match your actuator to either drum or disc brakes, the weight capacity, coupler size and what size tongue it bolts onto.

For example, if you had disc brakes, a 3" wide channel tongue, needed a 7,000 lb capacity and had either a 1-7/8", 2" or 50-mm hitch ball a great option would be the Dexter # 099-175-20.

Meanwhile, if you had drum brakes, needed something with a heftier 12,500 lb capacity and had a 2-5/16" ball you would want the Titan # T2477600.

If you get back to me with what type of brakes you have, capacity you need, hitch ball size, where you are mounting it and if you need an electric lockout I'll be happy to get back to you. I have also added a link to our selection of actuators for you to take a look at.

expert reply by:
Kyle S

John A.


I need for drum breaks 6000lb 2ball

Etrailer Expert

Chris R.


For those specs we have either the Titan Bolt-On # T2480000 or the Weld-On # T2492800 Actuator that will work really well. These are 6,000 pound capacity couplers that accept 2" hitch balls and are designed for drum brakes on the trailer.

Dave S.


Hello eTrailer, Can you please give me the part number for an Atwood Actuator brake drum...3 inch tongue... 2 inch ball... 6000 lb. Thank you,

Etrailer Expert

Chris R.


Based on the specs you listed the Demco # 8605001 will work great as a replacement. Atwood no longer makes actuators so this will be your best option.

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