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Difference Between Brakeman and Prodigy P2/P3 Brake Controllers  


I have an old Brakeman Compact and it seems to be over braking in stop and go traffic. I noticed in one of replies it was mentioned a P2 or P3. What is the difference between them? The trailer I have is 29ft and just under 6000lb. Just reinstalled in my 07 Silverado from a previous Dodge Ram. Last season I didn’t have a problem but it was a lighter trailer and different truck. Thanks


Expert Reply:

There's a pretty noticeable difference between the Brakeman controller you have installed currently and a P2 # 90885 or P3 # 90195. The P3/P2 controllers are proportional which means that they have an inertia sensor that can detect how hard you are applying the vehicle brakes to match the trailer brake application. This will solve your over braking issue and will give you the best braking for basically all scenarios.

The P3 has several features the P2 doesn't including the ability to change the LED screen color, change the language, and the biggest difference is the diagnostics. Instead of flashing a code you would have to look at the P3 has clear messages telling you what the problem is.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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