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Replacement 2-1/2-Inch Weight Distribution Shank for Husky Center Line TS WD Hitch  


Can you recommend a 2-1/2 inch shank for a Husky Center Line TS Weight Distribution Hitch?


Helpful Expert Reply:

The shank parts of weight distribution systems are standardized so you can use any brand of 2-1/2-inch shank that has the height rise or drop and the weight rating you require. The linked article will help you confirm the rise or drop you need.

On the linked page you'll see standard 2-1/2-inch shanks like Curt # C17132 and Reese # RP54977 as well as cushioned types like the USA-made Gen-Y Torsion Weight Distribution Shank # 325-GH-1102. This 6-1/2-inch rise or drop shank features rubber torsion cords for cushioning the connection between the truck and trailer for a smoother less-jerky ride.

expert reply by:
Adam R

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