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Can Short Bed Trucks Tow Gooseneck Trailers  


I have a 2006 F350 short bed truck. I have 20k rails and a Curt Q20 head mounted in a Curt 20K slider 12”. Will the Gooseneck Spyder hitch work with the shortbed truck or wi there be clearance issues regarding the cab on the truck. Is there such a thing as a slider for the gooseneck hitch?


Expert Reply:

The one really big downside to gooseneck towing is that there isn't a great solution for short bed truck clearance unlike fifth wheel towing. With fifth wheel hitches you can use a slider hitch and have the clearance issue handled. With gooseneck towing there isn't really anything you can do. The only way it's possible is if the nose of the gooseneck trailer is tapered to help with the turning clearance.

The Spyder part # 16085 does fit industry standard fifth wheel rails like you have which means that if your trailer has a tapered nose you'd be fine but if it's a wide nose like what fifth wheel trailers normally have there isn't an ideal solution.

To determine if you can safely make tight turns, there is a formula you can follow.

Measure the distance from the center of the gooseneck ball to the back of the truck cab. Call this measurement A. Next, measure the width of the trailer overhang and divide by 2 to get half, measurement B. If A is 4 inches or more than B then you can safely make 90 degree turns.

expert reply by:
Jameson C



I am not sure how to measure the "width of the trailer overhang" to determine if it is ok to make a a fight then with a 5th wheel. Thanks

Etrailer Expert

Jameson C.


@Duane The width of the front of the fifth wheel nose at the very front of the trailer. If it's 8 foot wide then it's too wide if it's a short bed truck. Hopefully it's a tapered nose though as those are designed for short bed turning.

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