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Mounting Hardware is Not Holding the Lend-a-Hand # AM-200 on a 2011 Rockwood Ultra Lite  


Hello! I have a 2011 Rockwood Ultra Lite 5th wheel camper. My Lend a Hand Folding Hand Rail Screws wont hold anymore? The Top screws tighten but are still lose. The bottom screws wont hold anymore. The bottom bracket has pulled away from the left side of the door opening. I see the 2 screw holes but I dont know how to screw back in the screws which just spin when I tighten them now. Like there is nothing for them to bite into to hold? I have thought about putting a Wall Anchor of some type in the holes, but I would need to drill a bigger hole for the Anchor to get in and even them will it hold the hand rail? What do you recommend?


Expert Reply:

Yes, it sounds like you need to install some anchors for your Lend-a-Hand # AM-200 or simply remove all of the hardware and move the mounting location up or down a few inches to avoid using the same holes. If you do move the Lend-a-Hand then you want to make sure that you are installing the screws into a stud and that you patch up the previous mounting holes with sealant like part # LT37464.

It might be easier to move the hand rail location but since both options are fairly easy it really just depends on if you think you can install the anchors properly and if you want your rail to stay in the same location or not.

expert reply by:
Jon G

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