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Recommended Roof Rack for 2019 Ford Escape with Factory Raised Rails and Panoramic Sunroof  


Hi peoples. I have a brand new 2019 Ford Escape. It has factory rails and the panoramic sun roof. Can you recommend a roof rack>? Thanks!


Expert Reply:

For your 2019 Ford Escape with the factory raised side rails I highly recommend the Yakima JetStream Roof Rack that consists of # Y00426 for the two 60 inch JetStream Crossbars and # Y33TR for the TimberLine Towers that will attach to the side rails.

This is an excellent, aerodynamic system that will result in an extremely quiet ride and it features a 165 pound weight capacity. The 60 inch bars represent the longest units available for your Ford Escape to allow for more usable space to load up multiple accessories. It is compatible with the panoramic sunroof on your Ford Escape.

I have attached a short video demonstration that you can use for reference. I have also included a few links that will take you to our available selection of roof-mounted accessories like cargo boxes, baskets, and kayak carriers that you can look through.

expert reply by:
Chris R

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