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Tire Chain Recommendation and Installation for 35x12.5R18 and 305/60R18 Tires  


Do you offer an easy to install chain for the 35x12.5r18 or 305/60r18?


Expert Reply:

For the 35x12.5R18, or the 305/60R18, the easiest to install and adjust chain would be the Pewag All Square Snow Tire Chains, # PWE3231SC. Make sure the engine is off and the vehicle parking brake is on before installation.

First, after taking the chains from the bag, you will lay them out flat on the ground and remove any tangles or twists in the links.

Next, drape the chains over the tires with the curved side of the chain hooks facing away from the tire side wall, the side chains with hooks face the inside of the tire. Side chains with the lever fastener/cams face the outside of the tire.

Position the first cross chain (the chain the goes side to side across the tire) under the tire as far as possible while also keeping the cross chain centered on the tire.

At this point you will need to move the vehicle forward slightly until the second cross chain passes under the tire. Set the parking brake and turn off the engine.

Next, connect the inside hook to the opposite end of the inside side chain. Then connect the the outside hook/lever fastener to the opposite end of the outside side chain.

Make the chain as tight as possible by adjusting the inside and outside fasteners as needed. Tighten as many cam tighteners as possible.

Travel a short distance and then check the tightness of the chains and re-tighten as needed.

I have included a link to our FAQ article on tire chains for you.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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