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Wiring a Side Marker Light to the Running Light Wire on a Trailer  


How do I connect the side marker wire to the brown wire running to the taillights?


Expert Reply:

You can run a jumper wire to T-off from the main running light wire to the side marker light using something like a quick splice connector, # SWC501915-1.

Or you can use a butt connector, # 05732-2. In one end, place the wire from the trailer connector and in the other end insert the wire from the side marker light and the wire to the tail light. You would need to cut the brown wire at some point to wire it in this manner.

And yet another option is to run the side marker wire all the way back to where the brown wire attaches to the tail light and splice it in there.

Make sure that you keep your electrical connections secure and free of moisture by wrapping them in electrical tape and/or using Liquid Electrical Tape, # SWC50122. Soldering is one of the most secure methods if you do not want to do any splicing.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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