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Comparing Amount of Drop of Torflec Axle with a Drop Axle  


A sprung axle is straight, or drop. with the hanger brackets, and spring arch height, a standard box trailer will have a ground to deck height of A THe same trailer with a drop sprung axle will lower the deck height approx 4. common for loading lower profile vehicles. My question is the same trailer with a TFlex axle can be ordered with varying heights. If I had a 10 degree up, would that be equivelant in ground to deck height equal to the 4 inch drop sprung axle, or lower? In other words when ordering a TFlex axle, is 10 Degree up the lowest trailer height option? in degree terminology what degree is same as a straight, and a sprung axle?


Expert Reply:

The 10 degree up Torflex axle will have the center of the spindle sitting about 0.31" below the bottom of the frame of your trailer under no load. When it is under a full load it will sit about 1.45" above the bottom of the frame of your trailer.

If you are wanting a Torflex axle that sits lower then you need the 22.5 degree which has the center of the spindle sitting about 0.52" above the bottom of your frame under no load. Under a full load that will sit about 1.82" above the bottom of your frame.

The 4" drop axles, like part # 7685269, are more difficult to get an accurate estimate of where the center of the spindle will be. This is due to the wide variety of leaf spring sizes, spring hangers, and shackle straps that are out there.

If you were to use a hanger kit like part # APT5 with leaf springs like part # e66SR then from the center of the axle to the bottom of the trailer frame will be about 4-1/2". This means that from the bottom of your trailer frame to the center of the spindle for the 4" drop axle will be about 1/2".

expert reply by:
Jon G

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