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Comparing a Remote Mount and Standard Transmission Cooler  


We are towing a 6500LB travel trailer with a 2012 Suburban 1500. I am looking for options to reduce temperatures on the transmission. Will a fan powered transmission cooler such as #D13960 provide more cooling power than a stacked plate trans cooler such as #D52508? Both are Class V. The benefit of the #D52508 is that you do not have to tap into a power source for the fan. I am also curious if there is a malfunction on the #D13960 fan, do you loose the cooling capacity of the unit?


Expert Reply:

The Derale Hyper-Cool Remote Transmission Cooler Kit w/ Fan part # D13960 would absolutely provide greater cooler power than the Derale 25-Row High-Performance Stacked-Plate Cooler part # D52508. The reason for this is because the fan provides constant airflow which in turn translates to more cooling whereas with the standard cooler you would be subjected to the mobility of the vehicle for cooling power. If you find yourself in a lot of stop and go traffic then the cooler with a fan would be your best option. It also allows for a much greater variety of mounting locations as it does not need to be placed behind the vehicle's grille.

As you mentioned, if you lost 12 volt power to the fan you would receive reduced cooling power but it would still cool some depending on how much airflow it receives in its current position. However, this should not really be a major concern as they are a quality USA made product.

expert reply by:
Conner L

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