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Recommended Replacement Tires for Snowmobile Trailer Using 18.5x8.5-8 Tires  


i want something for my 2 place open snowmobile trailer that is rated better than the stock low quality tires. any ideas? 18.5X8.5-8 Loadstar Trailer Tire LRC On 5 Bolt is what i am using now.


Expert Reply:

The metric trailer tire size corresponding to your 18.5 x 8.5 - 8 tires is size 215/60-8. In this size we offer both tires only and pre-mounted wheel/tire combinations that you can see on the linked page.

The tires-only are available in two weight Load Range ratings, C and D. The Kenda C-rated tire # AM1HP26 can handle 935-lbs at its rated pressure of 50-psi. The Load Range D tire # AM1HP28 can handle up to 1165-lbs at 70-psi.

In the combination wheel/tire items we again offer Load Range C and D tires mounted on wheels with either a 4-on-4 bolt pattern or the more popular 5-on-4-1/2 bolt pattern. The 4-on-4 wheels are limited to a Load Range C tire while the 5-on-4-1/2 wheels come with either C or D tires.

If the goal is to reduce the chance for a blowout you can use a tire with a higher Load Range than you actually need, meaning a tire that can handle more weight than it is actually going to have to support. This extra weight capacity becomes safety margin since a tire will run cooler when it is not operating at its maximum load. Cooler-running tires tend to have fewer issues with blowouts.

Always keep your special trailer tires fully inflated to the pressure indicated on the tire sidewall.

expert reply by:
Adam R
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Can O.



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