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5th Wheel Towing Capacity for 2011 Ford F-350 and Recommended Hitch and Rails  


We are purchasing a very large, very heavy fifth wheel. 42’ , 14000 lbs empty. The truck we are looking at is a 2011 Ford F-350. Is this truck capable of towing that RV?


Expert Reply:

There a quite a few factors that contribute to the actual towing capacity for trucks like the 2011 Ford F-350 that you are looking at such as its engine size, axle ratio, cab size, and drivetrain. I was able to find the towing specs sheet for the 2011 Ford F-350 and its 5th wheel towing capacity can range from as low as 12,300 pounds (6.2L Engine, 3.73 Axle Ratio, Regular Cab, SRW, 4X4) to as high as 22,700 pounds (6.7L Turbo Diesel, 3.73 axle ratio, Regular Cab, DRW, 4X2) and numerous possibilities in between depending on what it is equipped with from the factory.

Because there is such a large possible range I highly recommend talking with the Ford dealer or current owner about the truck's features and capacities. The truck's owner's manual will be the best and most accurate resource for this information.

In order to tow the trailer you will need to add a set of base rails (if the truck isn't equipped with the factory rails) and a 5th wheel hitch. If the truck has the short 6-3/4 foot bed I recommend the Curt A20 Sliding 5th Wheel Hitch # C16541 and if you have the long 8 foot bed the fixed Curt A20 # C16140 will work perfectly. Regardless of the bed size the Curt Custom 5th Wheel Installation Kit # C16424-204 is what you would need to install the industry-standard base rails to which the hitch will mount.

These are excellent hitches that feature superior interlocking jaw systems for a secure and rattle-free connection with the trailer and a fully articulating head that allows for a quiet and stable ride. Both hitches have a 20,000 pound towing weight capacity.

You might also consider adding a 5th Wheel Wiring Harness like the Curt item # C56000 which will provide you with a 7-Way in the bed of the truck for easy hookup with the trailer.

I have attached a couple short video demonstrations that you can check out as well.

expert reply by:
Chris R

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