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Timbren Axle Less Kit with Hubs Recommendation for Small Trailer Towed by Chevy Tracker  


Im looking at the Timbren item #12WS545. Is it available with 5 on 5 bolt pattern? Its for matching my trailer build to my 98 Chevy Tracker wheels.


Expert Reply:

The bad news is that the Timbren kit part # A12WS545 that you referenced is not available in any way that will allow a hub with a 5 on 5 inch bolt pattern to fit. The almost good news is that you should try to match a vehicle wheel bolt pattern since passenger vehicle wheels should be used on a trailer anyway. They aren't rated for this application and the offsets don't match typically either. Best option is to use the # A12WS545 with a trailer wheel and tire like the # AM32156 or any of the other wheel and tires you can see at the attached link which have this bolt pattern.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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