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Precision Digital Caliper to Measure Hub Bore to Select Correct Bearing Buddy Bearing Protector  


I need to replace the bearing buddy after loosing one. I used a caliper tool not a digital one to measure the inside of the hub and it says 2-9/16 it’s an older trailer. Does that sound right?


Expert Reply:

Bearing Buddy protectors are made in lots of sizes, many of which are very close to one another in their diameter. It is really necessary to use a more precise measuring device on the hub's bore unless you know the part number of the one that was lost. You might check the remaining one for any identification.

There are two sizes that are close to your 2-9/16-inch dimension, 2.562-inches and 2.717-inches. Bearing Buddy parts that fit hub bore diameter 2.562-inches are either part # BB2562SS (stainless steel) and # BB2562 (chrome). For bore size 2.717-inches we offer parts # BB2717SS and # BB2717. All Bearing Buddy protectors appear on the linked page.

To get a really precise measurement you'll want to use a precision digital caliper. Use a caliper that can read to the nearest thousandth of an inch, three decimal places, such as 1.234-inches as an example.

expert reply by:
Adam R

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