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Lippert Solid Step Quad Steps Compatibility with Thresholds  


I tried the Morryde steps, but they wont fit because of my threshold. What requirements does Lippert have in that area. Can I adapt my 2016 Chaperal, 37ft ,5th wheel , mod. 336TSIK ?


Expert Reply:

By threshold I assume you are either talking about threshold height or how the SolidStep fits on a threshold.

If it was the latter then these steps do need to rest on the threshold of the door frame; I have added a cut out of the instruction manual and if you read the part that says "NOTE" you will see where it specifies this.

If you were talking about threshold height or doorway width, that is much simpler and will only require you to take a couple measurements.

The SolidStep Manual Fold-Down Steps # LC791575 is a quad-step which requires a 30 inch to 36 inch width for your doorway and an entry height between 35 inches and 44 inches, which is measured from the ground to the opening of your door.

This same quad step with entry height requirements of 35 inches to 44 inches is also available for 26 inch to 29-7/8 inch doorway widths # LC791574.

expert reply by:
Kyle S
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