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Spindle, Hub, Brake Assemblies, and Spindle Nut Recommendation for 3,500 lb Dexter Axle  


Will they work together? I dont see any thread specs for the spindle and need to completely rebuild drivers side axle assembly. Ive got a Lippert torsion 3500 lb EZ-lube axle and have had two bearing failures on the same wheel. The spindle got damaged pretty badly. Can you confirm that the following parts list are all compatible? LC134563 AKHD-545-35-EZ-K AKEBRK-35L-SA BRKH10B Castle nut 165931 Also, does the castle nut come with the spindle washer and cotter pin? Thanks,


Expert Reply:

The threaded portion of the spindle part # LC134563 that you referenced is 1 inch in diameter so the correct spindle nut is the pat # 165686. The hubs part # AKHD-545-35-EZ-K fits this spindle setup as well with the nuts # BRKH10B. The assemblies part # AKEBRK-35L-SA are also correct for this.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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