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Options for Storing 4-Pole Trailer Wiring Connector  


Im planning on picking up the Draw-Tite Receiver Hitch, Item 76225, for my 2018 Dodge Journey. It looks the best and has the ground clearance Im looking for. It looks like it may be difficult to install a 4-pole flatfoot mounting bracket 18144 in a spot that is relatively easily accessible, with a trailer connected to the hitch. It looks like all other Hitches you offer will accept this mount flawlessly, but Im not interested in getting any other hitch. Can you verify if I should waste the $9 on this bracket, just to not have it work for me? Any suggestions on other mounting options for said 4-Pole wire? I truly hate the idea of the wires just dangling! zip-tied, or otherwise I would really like to mount it properly. FYI: Im hoping to get this ordered soon, as in tomorrow would have been today, but, questions, ya know...


Expert Reply:

Draw-Tite hitch # 76225 is an excellent choice for a clean installed appearance on your 2018 Dodge Journey. As for the 4-pole connector mount you have two ways to go.

Some towers prefer to keep the 4-pole wiring tucked inside the vehicle except when they are actually pulling their trailer. The wisdom to this is that the 4-pole is then protected from corrosion from moisture and salt, and also from a potential hit from road debris. If you are towing all the time then stowing the 4-pole in the vehicle may be a pain.

In that event you can use the 6-inch long bracket # 18136 that attaches to the hitch tube with an included ring clamp and then attach to it the 4-pole bracket # 18144.

expert reply by:
Adam R

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