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Converting From Surge to Electric Brakes on a Boat Trailer with 5,200 Lb Axle  


I have 1999 20 ft javelin boat.Trailer has a single axle with inoperable surge brakes hooked to my 2015 silverado 3500. Have to check my axle,i think its a 5200lb,any issues i need to worry about with the chevy brake controller and what about the submergence of the electric brakes in the water? Thank You!


Expert Reply:

It sounds like you are trying to replace the surge brakes you have on your trailer now with a set of electric brakes. If that is the case then you will not have any issues with submerging the electric braking assemblies in water. The majority of newer boat trailers even come with electric braking assemblies from the factory. However, you will need to unplug the trailer connector before launching the boat. There won't be any issues with your factory trailer brake controller in regards to compatibility.

In order to swap out the surge brakes for electric brakes you will need new braking assemblies, hubs/drums, trailer wiring, and a breakaway kit. I have attached the correct components for a 5,200 lb axle below. If you have a different capacity please just let me know and I would be happy to confirm the correct components.

Electric Trailer Brake Kit - part # AKEBRK-7-D
Trailer Hub and Drum - part # AKHD-655-6-EZ-K (6 on 5-1/2" bolt pattern) w/ (Inner Bearing 25580 and Outer Bearing 15123) or Trailer Hub and Drum - part # AKHD-865-7-G-EZ-K (8 on 6-1/2" bolt pattern) w/ (Inner Bearing 25580 and Outer Bearing 14125A)
Trailer Wiring 7-Way Upgrade Kit - part # HS381-9000
Hopkins Trailer Breakaway Kit with Built-In Battery Charger - part # HM20001

The trailer coupler you have now can either be replaced or welded. If you can give me the GVWR of your boat trailer as well as the frame configuration I would be happy to recommend a replacement if that is the option you wish to take.

expert reply by:
Conner L

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