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Comparing Load Range C Trailer Tires Size ST205/75R14 to Load Range B Tires  


correct trailer tires Hello, hoping you can help. The specs on my trailer are: ST205/75R14 B Rims 14+5J GVWR 5500 lbs front 2500 lbs rear 2500 lbs 207 KPA 30 PSI Current tires say on them: ST205/75R14 load range B Sale on tires I was looking at: ST205/75R14 standard rim 5 1/2J load rating C/6PR max load single 1760 lbs at 350 KPA/50PSI max load dual 1570 lbs at inch inch load index: 100/96 speed rating M Do these tires work? Or is the load rating C not good enough for a B rating? Thank you


Expert Reply:

The CProvider ST205/75R14 Radial Trailer Tire w/ 14" White Spoke Wheel - 5 on 4-1/2 - Load Range C # TTWA14RWS are basically the similar wheel to what you referenced in your question. The load rating of C basically is a higher capacity than load range B tires. The ply rating will be a 6 versus a 4 so it will be a stronger sidewall for more durability. I rarely would recommend load range B tires unless they are on a very small and light trailer that the higher rating could impact. In most cases, load range C tires are a better option.

Although this is my recommendation, I have linked the page to all your options of this size tire with that load capacity and bolt pattern to assist.

expert reply by:
Jason S

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