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How To Determine Fit of the Provider ST205/75R14 Radial Trailer Tire w/ 14 White Spoke Wheel  


What if the rim doesnt fit can I exchange it?


Expert Reply:

Yes, you can return/exchange the Provider ST205/75R14 Radial Trailer Tire w/ 14" White Spoke Wheel part # TTWA14RWS if it does not work for you. However, in order to make sure it will fit you first need to confirm your bolt pattern. If it is 5 on 4-1/2" (see photo) which is the most popular option, then it will mount onto the hub. The other thing you need to take into consideration is offset. The offset of this wheel is 0 which is also the most popular option for trailers. If you are using a different size tire than what came with the trailer, then the above combo uses a 205/75-14 which is 26.1" diameter x 7.9" wide. Lastly, this tire/wheel can support up to 1,760 lbs which you will need to be aware of as well.

expert reply by:
Conner L
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