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Comparing the Tuson and Lippert Electric Trailer Sway Control Systems  


It appears to me that both the Tucson and Lippert systems require wiring into the trailer. Can you tell me if there are any advantages of the Tucson or Lippert systems? Or do they do the same thing?


Expert Reply:

The Lippert Sway Command # LC380605 and Tuson Electronic Sway Control System # 335TSC-1000 are both similar in how they at installed since you splice them into the trailer brake circuit on the trailer side. They both have lights to help troubleshoot if (when) you have troubles further on down the road but the biggest difference between them, and the reason I recommend the Tuson, is that the Lippert cannot be used on a 2014 or newer GM pickup or SUV that has the integrated trailer brake controller module (ITBCM).

This note severely limits the trucks that can be used to tow the trailer you install this unit on and could make it more difficult to sell the trailer if that's something you're wanting to do in the future.

The Tuson has better performance and the module can be mounted 1' - 10' behind the hitch ball whereas the Lippert has to mount 4' - 10' behind the hitch ball so you have a better range for installing the unit with the Tuson as well.

I have attached some review videos that you can reference as well.

expert reply by:
Jon G

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