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Is Reese Revolution Pin Box Compatible With B&W Companion 5th Wheel Hitch  


What fifth wheel pin box can I use with a BandW companion hitch. My trailer currently has a Reese revolution pin box and my truck has a companion fifth wheel hitch.


Expert Reply:

The answer depends on which B&W Companion fifth wheel hitch you have; you never mentioned what truck you have or how the Companion is mounted so l'll use a 2019 Ford F-250 as an example.

If you had the factory prep package in your truck, and your Companion was B&W Companion OEM 5th-Wheel Hitch for Ford Super Duty Prep Package # BWRVK3300, it would be compatible with your Reese Revolution (which is the OEM version of the Sidewinder) pin box. The same is true for all Companions that mount in the puck systems of trucks.

If your '19 Ford F-250 had the B&W Companion 5th Wheel Trailer Hitch # BWRVK3500-5W mounted to the Underbed Installation Kit for B&W Companion # BWGNRK1116-5W you would not be able to use a Reese Revolution/Sidewinder and would need to replace it with a pin box that did not rotate.

expert reply by:
Kyle S

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