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Oil Bath Hub Installation and Operation for 8,000 lbs Dual Axles  


AL-KO/HAYES Oil bath axles 8K dual axles What is the proper way to adjust the oil bearings, there is only one outer nut, how tight or loose should they be and what type of oil do you use in the oil bath. I typically would haul 400 miles each way. If I get excessive heating what would cause this? Thanks


Expert Reply:

Oil bath hubs like the Dexter Trailer Idler Hub Assembly # 008-399-93 for 8K axles or the hub/drum version # 8-285-10UC3-A simply soak the bearings in oil to keep them lubricated. Dexter bought out AL-KO years ago after they partnered for a long time. The center cap screws on as you stated and has an o-ring to prevent leaking. The cap just needs to be secure so you don't overtighten and damage the threads causing leakage. The center plug allows you to keep the cap in place and add oil as needed.

The oil we recommend using is the Kodiak Synthetic Bearing Oil for Oil Bath Hubs - 8 oz Bottle # XLPROLUBE. If you get excessive heat, it is likely that you either need more oil, are not using the correct oil, or you have some internal bearing failure that is causing more friction than normal operation. You shouldn't have any issues with your bearings on a 800 mile round trip.

expert reply by:
Jason S

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