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How to Carry 2 Kayaks with the Darby Extend-A-Truck Kayak Carrier on a 2013 Toyota Tundra  


Should my 12 ft SOT kayak be secured right side up or upside down? I have a 13 Tundra DC 6.5 ft yak and 12 ft Wilderness 12O SOT. The foam pad that comes with the rack may not be wide enough at 18inch if I mount upside down. Also in the pictures it looks like you secure the T bar with a strap to the underside of the vehicle.


Expert Reply:

The foam block that comes with the Darby Extend-A-Truck Kayak Carrier # DTA944-968-924 is really only meant to be used with 1 kayak so if you plan on carrying 2 you need to acquire more blocks with part # MPG158. We do have some tie-downs attached to the load extender down to the safety chain loops to help stabilize the load extender.

Please note that this kit is meant to be used for short distances as the roof rack crossbar is very basic and isn't meant for long distance traveling. If you plan on traveling long distances then you can still use the load extender but I recommend using part # EM07605 which is just the load extender and then a roof rack like the square bar option from Inno which uses 58" Crossbars # INB147, Feet # INSUT, and Fit Kit # INK742. This is a much safer way to ensure that you get your kayaks to your destination in good working order.

expert reply by:
Jon G

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