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How To Carry Four Bikes on a 2016 Lincoln MKZ  


Can the CURT 12091 Class 2 Trailer Hitch receiver be used with my Reese Q-Slot Platform-Style 2 Bike and 4 Bike Rack on a 2016 Lincoln MKZ with an 1.25inch to 2inch adapter?


Expert Reply:

There is a possibility that you can use your Reese Q-Slot PS63138 with the Curt Trailer Hitch Receiver part # C12091 on your 2016 Lincoln MKZ. However, the adapter you need, Curt Trailer Hitch Receiver Adapter part # C45785 will reduce you weight capacity by 50%. Therefore, the total weight of your four bikes cannot exceed 109 lbs. If they do not then you can use the Reese Q-Slot but you will also need the Curt Cam Buckle Stabilizing Strap part # 18050 to abide by Curt's warranty for the Curt Trailer Hitch Receiver.

That said, a better option for you would be to just use the Swagman Trailhead 4 Bike Rack part # S63380 because it is lighter at 35 lbs and it allows for more room with your bike's weight. If you have any alternative frame bikes you can use the Swagman Deluxe Bike Frame Adapter Bar part # 64005.

Please note if the weight capacity of your vehicle is lower than that of the trailer hitch then this is the figure you will need to reduce by 50% and then subtract the weight of the bike rack from (66 lbs).

expert reply by:
Conner L

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