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Torque Wrench with 3/8 Drive for 19mm Crowfoot Socket for Draw-Tite Trailer Hitch Installation  


The torque required to secure the bolts on the draw tite hitch is 78ft/lbs 3/8 inch drive torque wrenches max at 80 ft/lbs. Which is why I want to use my 1/2 inch drive torque wrench. I have searched for a 19mm 1/2 inch crows foot to do the job. I have not found one yet. Can you tell me where I can find the sob? Then I will order the hitch. Regards,


Expert Reply:

I do have a solution for you but we don't have an adapter for what you are trying to do. We do have the Digital Torque Adapter # PTM206 but that would mean using an adapter so you can use an adapter and I don't think that's a great idea especially since you are trying to use it for installing a trailer hitch.

Instead I recommend using the Powerbuilt Dual Drive Torque Wrench # ALL944001 which has both 3/8" and 1/2" drives and it reads torque up to 150 ft/lbs. This is a fantastic product that comes with a 2-year warranty.

expert reply by:
Jon G

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