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Yellow Charge Light On Hopkins Engager Stays On with Trailer Disconnected  


We have a issue with our Hopkins Engager where the yellow Charging light stays on all the time even with the trailer disconnected. When I press the test button it lights up the charged button instead. The battery and unit are both brand new. Is it probably a wiring issue?


Expert Reply:

In regards to the Hopkins Engager Push-To-Test Trailer Breakaway Kit part # 20099, the first issue that you described of the yellow charge light being on even while disconnected from the tow vehicle could either be a short in the circuit board or if the trailer has an auxiliary battery this is then feeding the breakaway battery and in which case you would need to install a diode part # RM-690 to prevent this. The issue with the yellow charge light illuminating when the battery test button is pressed could also be caused by the same issues above.

If the circuit board has a short you can use the Hopkins Replacement Box with LED Lid part # HM20121 to replace the box.

expert reply by:
Conner L
Shane C. profile picture

Shane C.


Where would you install the diode? On the Aux battery + or breakaway battery? And which direction do you install the diode? If I don’t install a diode Will the charge light eventually go off and the breakaway battery stop charging if it reaches a full charge? Or is the diode a must when you have an aux battery?

ChrisR profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Chris R.


The diode is needed to prevent backfeeding from the aux battery to your breakaway battery. You'll want to install the diode (like part # RM-690) between the breakaway battery and trailer aux battery, in-line with the power wire coming from the aux battery (see linked answer page below that shows a diagram).
MartyC profile picture

Marty C.


@ChrisR If it's wired as suggested it's still going to let the aux battery pull a draw from the breakaway battery. Is that considered acceptable?
JonG profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Jon G.


@MartyC Sure isn't. You definitely want to have either a disconnect between them or a way to charge the aux battery to keep it from draining the breakaway battery.
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