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Loose Connection Between Curt A20 Hitch and Curt Base Rails  


My A20 is slightly loose on one of the corners. All cotter pins are installed and secure. Any ideas on why it is loose or can be fully secure?


Helpful Expert Reply:

Since you mentioned the cotter pins which are used to secure the feet inside the rails, that makes me that you are referring to the connection point between the rail and foot on one of the four corners of the Curt A20 5th Wheel Trailer Hitch part # C16140. If that is the case then you will want to inspect the hole on the foot, the hole inside the rail, and the pin that connects these together. If these holes have become misshapen then this could very well cause the loose connection that you said you had. The fix for this is to replace the component which contains the misshapen hole, part # C16204 for the rail or part # C16906 for the base.

The issue you are having could also be fixed with the Fifth Wheel Rail Sound Dampeners part # 16900 if none of the holes are misshapen.

expert reply by:
Conner L

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