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Recommendations for Splicing Running Light Wires on a Tear Drop Camping Trailer  


Hi... New to all this. Im wiring a tiny tear camping trailer Im building using your 20 ft wishbone harness. Ill need to splice the sidemarkers etc a few spots. Its a 12 volt battery system. I want waterproof connectors that will last through years of service, rain, snow and salt. Which is the right if any for that harness and my needs?


Expert Reply:

Instead of using a quick splice connector, I recommend splicing into the wiring using a butt connector and then using some shrink tubing or liquid electrical tape, # SWC50122, to seal the connections from the elements.

We have different size butt connectors like # 05732-2 for 12 to 10 gauge wires and # 05731-5 for 16 to 14 gauge wires.

You will want to be careful when adding lights to a trailer. If you add too many lights, it could be too much power draw on the tow vehicle electrical system. That can cause the lights to not work and could damage the wiring system.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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