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Is Trimming Required on the Draw-Tite Hitch for 2018 Golf GTI Autobahn  


I wanted to know if this Hitch mount required trimming of the fascia for the installation, and if there were any contraindication to install it on a Autobahn that has rear parking sensors and rear collision alert systems. Also is there a installation instruction specific to the 2018 GTI? The one on the website is for a BMW SUV.... Thank you.


Expert Reply:

I checked the installation instructions on the Draw-Tite Sport Frame Hitch Receiver # 24979 and there will be some minor trimming of the fascia required during the installation. It also notes that you'll have to disconnect the backup sensors during the installation, but it won't interfere with it functioning once the hitch is installed. We haven't completed an installation of the Draw-Tite # 24979 hitch on a 2018 GTI, but we have installed the EcoHitch # 306-X7375 and the installation processes are going to be comparable-I've attached the install of the EcoHitch to the answer for reference.

If you need a wiring harness for trailer lights that works with your 2018 VW Golf GTI Autobahn, the Curt T-Connector Wiring harness # C56405 is designed to connect in directly behind your tail lights and will provide a 4 way connector at the back of your vehicle. You also may want to pick up a ball mount like the Draw-Tite # 3593 which will allow you to mount a hitch ball like the # 19258 and provide you with a complete towing setup in the event that you need to tow a small trailer with your new hitch.

I've linked the install videos for the wiring harness to this answer, as well as the hitch mentioned above.

expert reply by:
Erik B

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