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Wiring Requirements for Mounting Rooftop AC/Heating Unit on Race Trailer  


I have a question I am wiring my race trailer at the moment I would like to put a rooftop AC heat unit on it later I was wondering what size wire I will need and what size breaker the trailer is 20 ft long 8 ft wide and about 7 feet high dont know what size I will even need but trying to get it ready for the future probably do it in the spring thanks


Expert Reply:

The Atwood # AT15028-22 Air Command Rooftop Air Conditioner w/ Heat Pump requires a dedicated 20 amp circuit. For a 20 amp circuit, the smallest acceptable wire gauge would be 12 gauge. Given the size of the space, this particular unit would work great for you, but it is intended to be used as part of a ducted system. For a non-ducted system, I'd recommend the Advent # ACM150BCH. This unit would have the same wiring requirements. For the 160 square feet, in a residential type application, typically you'd only need around 7000 BTU capacity, but a trailer is going to be a heckuva lot less well-insulated than a home would be.

I've linked you to a video we did comparing the various rooftop A/C options.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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