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Recommended Storage Cover for 17-21 Foot Camper  


we have a 17 ft coachman clipper camper. Will this cover work for our camper


Helpful Expert Reply:

If the 17 you mention is indeed the actual length of your Coachmen Clipper at its longest point, the # AD37ZR cover you mentioned which will fit travel trailers measuring up to18" long will work.

However, I looked up the Coachmen Clipper specifications, and found that the 2019 models have an overall length of 21 feet 4 inches. If that's the actual length of your camper, something like the # 290-52251 would be what I'd recommend.

If you'd care to reply with the model year and the model number of your camper, I'd be happy to provide a more definitive answer for you. If you don't have that information readily available, just get me the length of the camper at its longest point (not including the A-frame or coupler at the front.

expert reply by:
Mike L
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