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Activating 12 Volt Charge Circuit of Trailer Wiring on 2001 Ford F-350  


I have no constant 12v to the black wire on pin 4 which is the constant 12 volt its an 01 F-350 super duty is there a fuse that controls at? Whats the downside if I cant get it to work...Thanks


Expert Reply:

I pulled up the owners manual of your 2001 Ford F-350 Super Duty and the fuse that controls the trailer wiring 12 volt charge circuit is the 24 slot.

Try checking that fuse and seeing if that takes care of the problem. Otherwise you'd bypass the factory wiring by running 10 gauge wire like part # 10-1-1 (sold by foot) from the pin on the 7-way to the battery through a breaker like part # 9510 and you'll have eliminated all guesswork and will have the circuit functional.

The downside of the circuit not being active really depends on what you need it for. Not every trailer needs this circuit active so if you don't have a battery to charge or trailer interior lights to power you'd be fine to just leave it missing all together.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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