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Can BOLT Lock for EnCore Tonneau Covers be Used for Solid Fold 2.0 on 2019 Honda Ridgeline  


I am wanting to add 2 keyed lock assembly’s to the rear corners of my tri fold hard bed cover for my 2019 Honda Ridgeline Pickup. There are only the limited security clamps on the inside of the cover as is. I am looking to cut holes in each rear corners and installing the lock assembly and a bracket inside to lock too. Can I do this with the EX 28620032-28 unit or is there another keyed locking assembly that would work better? Will it configure to my Honda rear tail gate key? The overall idea is to help keep my items inside my pickup bed more secure with the tri fold hard cover I have now. Extang solid fold 2.0 item # EX83590 Thanks,


Helpful Expert Reply:

The correct Replacement OEM BOLT Lock for Extang EnCore Hard Tonneau Covers for your 2019 Honda Ridgeline is part # EX28620094-28 as the part # EX28620032-28 you referenced is for a Ram. The BOLT lock comes with it's own set of keys that match the lock but I can say that it won't add any more security to your truck bed than what you already have.

The only reason that this lock exists is because the EnCore # EX62590 (for your Ridgeline) has a feature where you can lift up the front panel without operating any of the rear panels. This warrants a lock on the front panel to keep a passerby from simply lifting up the front panel and easily getting at any cargo in the truck bed. The rear panel of the EnCore is secured just like your Extang Solid Fold 2.0 # EX83590 where you can only open the rear panel if the tailgate is opened. If you lock your tailgate the only way that someone would be able to get to your cargo is if they damaged the tonneau cover.

If you are determined to add a separate locking device on the rear panel then the correct BOLT lock would be part # EX28620094-28 which also comes with it's own keys so you wouldn't be using your Ridgeline key. Everything else you did would have to be a modification to the cover and I can't really endorse doing that nor do I know what parts you would need to use to do so.

expert reply by:
Jon G

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