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Recommended Trailer Hitch for a 2020 BMW X5  


Need a trailer hitch for my 2020 BMW X5. What fits.


Expert Reply:

The trailer hitch that you'll need to use for your 2020 BMW X5 is the Draw-Tite # 76288. It is currently (as of November 2019) the only trailer hitch fit available for your X5 (excluding the M performance model) but it is still an excellent option because it has the larger 2" receiver and features a hidden cross tube. This combination means that you can carry a wide variety of accessories while maintaining an OEM look since only the 2" receiver is visible once installed.

If you let me know what you plan on using the trailer hitch for I can make additional recommendations. The written instructions have been linked for you to check out.

expert reply by:
Jon G
Steve C. profile picture

Steve C.


I have a 2020 x5 with m sport trim. Do you guys have a hit h that will fit? BMW has no hitch for the m sport trim. X5 is a 4.0 if that matters. THX

ChrisR profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Chris R.


At this time there isn't a hitch available that will fit your 2020 BMW X5 that has the M Sport Package. I'm not sure what your plans were for the hitch but if it was to transport bikes or other accessories (and not towing a trailer) then we do have some alternate options that will work well, such as a trunk bike rack or a roof rack system. Let me know if this is the case and I'd be happy to make some specific recommendations.
RevaJ profile picture

Reva J.


@ChrisR I have a 2020 BMW X5 with the sport package, the off road package and the tow package. BMW says I should not use a WD hitch but the RV place sold me one. Should I take it off and get a non WD hitch ball? I am towing a 22 ft Bambi Airstream which weighs 4500 pounds. I'd also like a rec on tire pressure alarms if you guys sell those. Thanks in advance for your help.
ChrisR profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Chris R.


@RevaJ If BMW advised against a WD system I would follow their instruction. This restriction may also be listed in the vehicle's owner's manual. WD systems put a lot of stress on the hitch and vehicle, so not all setups are rated appropriately. For a tire pressure monitoring system the TireMinder # TPMS-APP-4 will work really well.
See All (5) Replies to Steve C. ∨
Mark profile picture



Just to clarify , I have 2015 X5 with M Sport package and Curt 2 hitch installed , when you search for this vehicle it also says excluding M performance models , but it does fit X5 with M Sport package.Is this also applicable for 2019+ X5 ?

ChrisR profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Chris R.


The Curt # 13077 is a fit for both the M Sport Package and Non-M Sport BMW X5 up through the 2018 model year. If you go through the vehicle fit guide for your 2015 model the hitch would actually show up for both vehicle configurations (it's just how we have to list it because of how other brand hitches fit). As of now though (March 2020) there isn't a hitch available for the 2019+ BMW X5 with the M Sport package.
JonG profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Jon G.


UPDATE: We actually have some options for the M Sport now! Check out the attached link to see various hitch options for a 2020 X5.

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