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Would Econo Porch Trailer Step with Handrail Work Well with RV that has 4 Step Pull Out Step  


The step height on our 5th is 30 and 5/8 inches. So do want to make sure those steps will work for us. The ones with one handle. Please let me know.


Helpful Expert Reply:

From the ground to the top of the platform on the Econo Porch Trailer Step with Handrail # EHS-103-R measures 27-1/2 inches. While I don't know exactly what the distance from the ground to the door threshold is on your 2016 Forest River Cardinal you can use a tape measure to verify that height to determine if this would work well. Most RVs with quadruple steps have a doorway height right at around 30 inches so this should be a really great height for your RV!

The picture I attached should be about what it would look like in front of your RV.

expert reply by:
Jameson C
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Natalie M. profile picture

Natalie M.


The step height on our 5th is 30 and 5/8 inches. So do want to make sure those steps will work for us. The ones with one handle. Please let me know.

JamesonC profile picture

Jameson C.


The # EHS-103-R would work really well for you. The top step of this will be 3 inches below your RV doorway so it will be an easy final step to get into the RV. This is the version that comes with the handle too.

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