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Recommended Trailer Hitch and Wiring for 2019 Toyota Highlander XLE Hybrid  


I'm in need of a hitch and wiring to tow a small utility trailer with my 2019 Toyota Highlander XLE Hybrid. What parts do I need? Would like something that doesn't stick out a ton or hang well below the bumper since we have a large lip on our driveway and lots of speed bumps in our neighborhood.


Expert Reply:

For an inconspicuous hitch to use on your 2019 Toyota Highlander XLE Hybrid, I recommend using the EcoHitch Hidden Trailer Hitch Receiver # 306-X7250 because it mounts behind your bumper and only leaves the receiver visible. This is going to be great for you since it's almost completely hidden, so you don't have to worry about tearing it up going in and out of your driveway or over speed bumps.

For wiring, you'll want to use the Tekonsha T-One # 118449 which will connect in the rear cargo area, as shown in the attached installation video, and provide you with a 4 way connector that can be easily stowed inside the vehicle when not in use.

The last piece of the puzzle is going to be a ball mount and hitch ball. You'll always want to make sure your towing load is as level as possible, which may involve a rise or drop; for that reason I recommend using the Ball Mount Kit # 989891 which comes with both a 1-7/8" and 2" hitch ball as well as a ball mount that can accommodate a 2" drop or 3/4" rise.

As mentioned above, I've included some installation videos for the wiring and the hitch for you to reference back to during the installation process in addition to a review video of the ball mount.

expert reply by:
Erik B

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