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Most Hidden and Best Ground Clearance Hitch for 2019 Volkswagen Atlas  


I have a 2019 Volkswagen Atlas that I want a 2 inch hitch for. I see you have a Curt and a Draw Tite option. Which should I get? I prefer something hidden if possible and not terrible ground clearance.


Expert Reply:

Based on what you described wanting the best hitch solution we have for your 2019 Volkswagen Atlas is the EcoHitch part # 306-X7362 as it is the least visible option and offers best ground clearance. Instead of having the hitch tube under the rear bumper this comes out through the lower fascia section to give you much better ground clearance and also a better overall look.

The first picture I attached shows the EcoHitch and the second shows the Draw Tite # 76176.

expert reply by:
Jameson C
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Bart L. profile picture

Bart L.


Hello, Can you please let me know why the eco hitch has less capacity than the Curt or Draw tite for a 2019 VW Atlas.

JacobH profile picture

Jacob H.


The design of the hitch is going to be different as well as the materials that they are made of. Both are going to be great hitches but for me personally, I would want the higher weight capacity that the Curt or Draw-Tite offers. Some would rather have the lower weight capacity but the more hidden design that the Ecohitch offers.
David G. profile picture

David G.


I have a 2019 Aspen Trails 1700BH, 21 feet, Weight. 3,199 lbs dry. 651 lbs cargo. 452 lbs tounge. Being pulled by a 2019 VW Atlas i have a weight disribution hitch. The trailer sits fairly level with no weight distribution but puts a lot of weight on real axle. The front of the vehicle angles upwards quite a bit while the rear dips quite a bit. When I use weight distribution bars (ones with chains) and get the tow vehicle to the point where the fenders are level then the trailer hitch is angled upwards. I am worried I am taking too much weight off the tounge. Also because the hitch it angled up the trailer is angled upwards slightly as well. The hitch ball and bars creak make noise then whenever there is movement. I imagine because they are not level If i lessen off the weight distribution bars then the front of my vehicle pops up again. Thoughts on what I should do?

ChrisR profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Chris R.


I wonder if you just need a little more drop in the WD shank. Try adjusting the head down a hole or two on the shank to see if this allows you to keep everything level (including the hitch).

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