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Lift Kit for Dexter # 10 Torflex 2500lb Capacity Torsion Axle  


This 2500lb independent torsion axle is on my year 2019 Aliner Grand Escape Travel trailer and I would lime to raise the trailer 6 inches higher than the frame for more ground clearance. It looks like just four bolts two bolts above each tire attaches axle to frame. Do you have a height extender of some kind or am I out of luck to raise trailer frame clearance from ground?


Expert Reply:

Given the weight capacity, you have a Dexter # 10 torflex axle. The correct lift kit for that axle would be # K71-723-01. For a tandem axle trailer, you'd need two kits. The kit uses 4 bolts as you mentioned and provides a lift of 2-5/8 inches, and is the tallest lift Dexter offers for that axle.

The K71-725-02 is designed for a 5500-7000 lb axle, and unfortunately wouldn't work for your application.

Another option would be to use an axle-less system from Timbren, such as part # ASR35HDS02 which would provide you with a 4 inch lift, and would allow you to use off-road tires.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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